Re: Attaching (embedding?) RDF

You're right, that's a very viable option that I forgot to mention. I've looked 
into this a bit, and indeed HFS (and HFS+) support metadata, although I am not 
sure whether it can be arbitrary.

NTFS must support it somehow, since that's what Microsoft will build WinFS on 
(a metadata-enable file store).

I think that using a technique like this would have the great benefit of being 
completely transparent, which is always nice. However, what happens when the 
file is moved outside of the filesystem (i.e. via FTP)?



Quoting Damian Steer <>:

> Hash: SHA1
> Martin May <> writes:
> > I would like to attach RDF metadata to files. So far I have identified
> > the following options for doing so, all of which have drawbacks:
> >
> > 4. create an archive file which groups the file and its metadata
> > (e.g. jar)
> >
> One option you didn't mention, related to 4, is to put the rdf
> together with the data in the file, which some filesytems support. HFS
> and HFS+ on the Mac have two parts to a file - the data fork (what one
> normally thinks of as the content) and the resource fork (arbtrary
> collection of things like icons, etc). Similarly NTFS has streams,
> although only viruses seem to use them IME, and Reiser 4 has something
> like this, IIRC. No doubt there are other examples.
> These features were implemented to facilitate exactly the behaviour
> you want, associating metadata with inodes, but I appreciate that it
> might not be a practical solution for you. Just thought it was worth
> mentioning.
> Damian
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