Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: RDFStyles: alternative to XSLT for RDF

At 12:59 24/10/03 +0200, Emmanuel Pietriga wrote:
>I agree that it is something useful. But isn't this what XSLT already 
>does? That's what it does for XML. So why couldn't it do it for RDF? I 
>mean, except for the XPath part that is not (as discussed yesterday) the 
>best-suited technology to address nodes and arcs of an RDF graph, XSLT 
>seems to be well-suited to this task (all that is needed is to replace 
>XPath selectors by *RDFPath* selectors).

I think that's a really interesting idea...  using the existing XSLT design 
to its strengths and directly addressing its weakness with respect to RDF data.


Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Sunday, 26 October 2003 05:33:45 UTC