Re: RDF [was: Proposed changes]

Danny Ayers wrote:
> (cc'd to rdf-interest)
> The direct approach may be to pull out the links as extra metadata, given
> something like:
> <entry rdf:about="">
>     <title>Atom in Depth</title>
> 	<content>
> 		&lt;img src=""
> class="floatleft"
> 		alt="XML 2003" /&gt;&amp;nbsp; I'll giving a presentation entitled
> 		&lt;a
> href=""&gt;Atom
> 		in Depth&lt;/a&gt; on Friday, December 12th at the
> 		&lt;a href=""&gt;2003 XML
> 		Conference&lt;/a&gt; in Philadelphia.
> 	</content>
> ...
> </entry>
> it would be possible to extract something like
> <entry rdf:about="">
> 	<embeds>
> 		<link rdf:about=""">
> 			<title>Atom in Depth</title>
> 		</link>
> 		<link rdf:about="">
> 			<title>2003 XML Conference</title>
> 		</link>
> 	</embeds>
> </entry>

This is starting to look a lot like$11

> A potentially cool bit is that I think it should be possible to do this on
> the fly : an RDF query could ask for all links in the content of that entry,
> and the RDF store could get as far as <content> but then an XPath query
> could be carried out on that, the results expressed in the RDF model.

How would that work?  It seems to me that if you solve that, you have 
essentially eliminated the need for a special RDF/XML syntax - i.e., any 
XML could be directly consumed by an RDF application.

> Why not do it all as XML/XPath? Main reason being that the XML tree
> structure doesn't match the web's general directed graph structure, probably
> a more immediate practical problem being that the subtrees aren't very
> portable across systems (merging isn't straightforward).

It seems to me that the web's general structure is one where links tend 
to be embedded in mixed content.

> some related notes :

Case in point: the above is an XML document with a number of links to 
your own site, and one to Simon Willison's site.

> Cheers,
> Danny.

- Sam Ruby

Received on Sunday, 26 October 2003 04:59:27 UTC