- From: Enrico Franconi <franconi@inf.unibz.it>
- Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 11:22:24 +0200
- To: <www-rdf-logic@w3.org>, <www-rdf-interest@w3.org>
- Cc: Adrian Walker <adrianw@snet.net>, Andrei Voronkov <voronkov@cs.man.ac.uk>, "Raphael Volz" <rvo@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>, "Boris Motik" <motik@fzi.de>
On Tuesday, Oct 7, 2003, at 16:26 Europe/Rome, Adrian Walker wrote: > Andrei Voronkov kindly sent me a pointer to the excellent paper > "Complexity and the Expressive Power of Logic Programming", that he > wrote with Dantsin, Eiter and Gottlob. In the paper, they point out > that "complexity" can be "data complexity" or "program complexity". > The two are very different. Data complexity is the complexity of > checking whether Din U P |= A for a fixed datalog program P and > variable input databases Din and ground atoms A. It is "polynomial". > Program complexity is the complexity of checking whether Din U P |= A > for variable datalog programs P and ground atoms A over a fixed input > database Din. It is complete in DEXPTIME. Of course I know very well those results and that paper. The proof of the statement that query answering with OWL-lite (or any richer ontology language) can not be polynomially encoded in a rule system such as Datalog derives from the fact that the problem of instance checking in OWL-lite is coNP-hard in DATA complexity. Full stop. On Tuesday, Oct 7, 2003, at 14:50 Europe/Rome, Raphael Volz wrote: > We a working on a reduction of SHIQ to Disj. Datalog with equality, > (w/o closed world negation!) which will for some knowledge base > generate a set of rules (whose number is worst-case exponential in the > size of the knowledge base), which preserves satisfiabilty and > entailment. If there is an EXPONENTIAL blow up in the number of the target rules with respect to the number of the axioms in the original knowledge base everything is possible. cheers --e. Enrico Franconi - franconi@inf.unibz.it Free University of Bozen-Bolzano - http://www.inf.unibz.it/~franconi/ Faculty of Computer Science - Phone: (+39) 0471-315-642 I-39100 Bozen-Bolzano BZ, Italy - Fax: (+39) 0471-315-649
Received on Monday, 20 October 2003 05:22:36 UTC