RE: modeling nested containers with items

At 11:58 08/10/03 -0400, DuCharme, Bob (LNG-CHO) wrote:
>My new question: instead of the "created" predicate coming from some
>namespace that I just make up, does anyone know of one with these semantics
>in a more well-known namespace? The W3C RDF Primer even has a myfoo:contains
>predicate; it looks like a pretty straightforward need for a lot of
>RDF-based projects.

Maybe Dublin Core?

Let's look...

The Dublin Core reference element set [1] provides a date property, which 
you may find a bit under-specified.  See [2] to express this in RDF.

Then there's "qualified" dublin core than might give you more precision 
(but I think you start to lose the simplicity of having a single 
property).  [3] has some details.

It looks as if dcterms:created might be what you're after, from [3]:
<rdf:Property rdf:about="&dctermsns;created">
   <rdfs:comment>Date of creation of the resource.</rdfs:comment>
   <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource = "&dcns;date" />
   <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&dctermsns;" />





><!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
><rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
>    xmlns:ex="">
>    <ex:Container rdf:ID="i1" ex:created="20031001">
>       <ex:contains rdf:parseType="Resource">
>          <ex:Item rdf:ID="i2" ex:created="20031001"/>
>          <ex:Item rdf:ID="i3" ex:created="20031003"/>
>          <ex:Container rdf:ID="i4" rdf:parseType="Resource">
>             <ex:created>20031002</ex:created>
>             <ex:contains rdf:parseType="Resource">
>                <ex:Item rdf:ID="i5" ex:created="20031002"/>
>                <ex:Item rdf:ID="i6" ex:created="20031003"/>
>                <ex:Item rdf:ID="i7" ex:created="20031001"/>
>                <ex:Container rdf:ID="i8" rdf:parseType="Resource">
>                   <ex:created>20031003</ex:created>
>                   <ex:contains rdf:parseType="Resource">
>                      <ex:Item rdf:ID="i9" ex:created="20031004"/>
>                   </ex:contains>
>                </ex:Container>
>                <ex:Container rdf:ID="i10" rdf:parseType="Resource">
>                   <ex:created>20031004</ex:created>
>                </ex:Container>
>             </ex:contains>
>          </ex:Container>
>       </ex:contains>
>    </ex:Container>

Graham Klyne

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2003 12:47:32 UTC