Re: AW: Announcement: The "info" URI Scheme - Uri crisis again !

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 10:02, Leo Sauermann wrote:
> And we are in the midst of uri crisis again !
> horray horray !
> search for "uri crisis" in this list and you will find all ideas that
> are talked about. or "identity crisis"
> I would prefer:
> >
> > maps to:
> >   info://

But isn't (hypothetical) info:us-vin:123189071239871 (VIN is "Vehicle ID
Number) more useful to refer to the car itself?

If you define a 1:1 mapping into an HTTP document, then you're implying
that there can only be one document about a car.

Why not just use the info URI-space, and if you need to map documents to
it, use and RDF vocabulary:

   <http://foo/bar/car> x:isAbout <info:us-vin:123189071239871>

That way you have an M:N mapping, not 1:1.


Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2003 12:08:11 UTC