[Ann] Fenfire Loom (RDF browser) 0.1 released

Fenfire Loom 0.1 has been released.

Loom is a focus+context RDF graph browser. RDF is the Resource
Description Framework developed by W3C, <http://www.w3.org/RDF>.
Focus+context means that there is always one 'focused' node,
shown in the middle of the window, and that the nodes connected
to the focused node are shown around it, as the 'context.'

Loom is a part of the Fenfire project, which is building a
RDF-based desktop environment where anything can be connected
to anything else. However, Loom can also be used on its own;
when the first release is complete, we will move it into
an independent project at Savannah.nongnu.org.

The release can be downloaded from:


The files in this release are:

loom-0.1.jar (6 MB)
     An executable JAR file containing Loom and all dependencies.

     The Loom 0.1 readme, including instructions for using the JAR.

loom-0.1-src.tar.gz (6 MB)
     The source code for this release, along with the dependencies
     in binary form (you only need this and Apache Ant to compile Loom).

Our code is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).

Please send comments to gzz-dev@nongnu.org. A homepage with background 
information about Fenfire and Loom is currently being developed.

Thank you for your interest,
- Benja Fallenstein

Received on Saturday, 22 March 2003 06:04:45 UTC