RDF "tabula rasa"

The basic RDF model is this Entity-Property-Statement hierarchy

begin hierarchy rdfhi;
/    Entity;
/    Property;
/    Statement;
end hierarchy rdfhi;

with Statements of the form

subject has predicate = value;

The MKR "tabula rasa" divides Properties into five classes
(each with its own Statement format)

begin hierarchy mkrhi;
/    part;
/    attribute;
/    action;
/    relation;
/    interaction;
end hierarchy mkrhi;

and adds other features such as contexts, questions, commands, etc.

I can easily configure McCullough Knowledge Explorer (MKE)
to handle just the RDF model, and to do input and/or output in RDF.
Dick McCullough 
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;

Received on Friday, 14 March 2003 12:11:18 UTC