new font for MKR language introduction

Sorry about the previous email.
I didn't notice Outlook Express had changed the font until
after I clicked send.  This copy should be a better reference.
# KEHOME/doc/MKRintro.html
# Mar/5/2003

# MKR introduction      #
# version 5.1           #
#                       #
# Richard H. McCullough #

An MKR proposition has the format
	at context { sentence };
where context is
	space=s, time=t, view=v
and sentence is
	subject verb object prepositionphrase;
View names the context, which is a list of
propositions.  A context is normally stored in
an entity-characteristic-proposition hierarchy.

The details of sentence structure depend on
the five types of sentence 
	control statement
and the seven types of verb
	definition	isa, iss, isu	(uses preposition "with")
	alias		is
	part		haspart
	attribute	has
	action		do, do*		(uses terminator "done")
	relation	isa, iss, isu
	interaction	causes
There are many other MKR relations, not shown here.

The basic seven statements are
	subject isa object with essential characteristics;
	subject is object;
	subject haspart part = partvalue;
	subject has attribute = value;
	subject do action = event
		with action characteristics
		out action products
		od action direct objects
		from initial characteristics
		to final characteristics
	subject rel object;
	event:1 causes event:2

The question format is the same as a statement,
with one or more elements replaced by a question
mark.  For example
	subject has ?;
	subject do ? done;

The command format is the same as an action statement,
with the subject omitted.  For example
	do classify od unknown to view done;

The assignment format is the same as an attribute statement,
with the subject omitted, and "has" replace by "set" or "unset".
For example
	set charformat = column;
	unset debug;

The two control statement formats are
	if propositionlist:1
		then propositionlist:2
		else propositionlist:3
	every variable rel concept { propositionlist };

There are special definition formats for
	relation (n-ary) 
which are not shown here.

The comment format begins with "#" and extends to end of line.
For example
	MKRintro.html has                  # this document
	  author="Richard H. McCullough",  # dc:creator
	  date="March 5, 2003";            # today

For more details see

Dick McCullough 
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;

Received on Friday, 7 March 2003 02:26:50 UTC