Re: Defining the range of a property that uses parseType="Collection"?

At 11:57 28/06/03 -0400, Roger L. Costello wrote:

>Hi Folks,
>Suppose that I have an instance document that contains a books property:
>    <books rdf:parseType="Collection">
>        <Book>...</Book>
>        <Book>...</Book>
>        <Book>...</Book>
>    </books>
>How would you define the rdfs:range for books?
>     <rdf:Property rdf:ID="books">
>         <rdfs:range rdf:resource="???"/>
>     </rdf:Property>

The simple technical answer would be:

??? = "rdf:List"

But I recognize this may not truly answer your true question, which may be 
to ask:  how do I express types like "List of books" or "Herd of cats"?

I think a fuller answer is:  RDFS does not provide a comprehensive type 
system, and doesn't express such ideas.  I would look to OWL for that.


Graham Klyne
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Received on Monday, 30 June 2003 06:57:54 UTC