Re: time-varying properties

* Richard H. McCullough <> [2003-06-25 07:13-0700]
> Given the triples
> (1)    John  height  60
> (2)    John  height  70
> can RDF say that (2) replaces (1) -- as opposed to 
> both (2) and (1) being true?
> Can OWL say that (2) replaces (1)?

Neither the RDF, RDFS or OWL specs really goes far into this 
fascinating and rather tricky area. I do hope it'll get some attention 
in future standardisation work, once we've all got a better handle on the 

In my FOAF experiments, I've often claimed that foaf:mbox is a
'static' unambiguous property, in that a given 
property/value pair (eg, should never 
be true of varying objects over time. That's tough to formalise given our
current ontology languages...

formalise given current current

Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2003 10:34:22 UTC