Re: how to describe a cousin?

On 2003-06-24, Chris Catton uttered to

>I'd like to define a class of first_cousins as the class of individuals
>that share the same grandparents with another individual who is not also
>their sibling.

That's a bit too difficult for me. I think what made you resort into such
a definition is that your intuition fails with the sibling relation. If
that is part of your ontology, you need to note that it isn't a transitive
relation: me being a sibling of my brother and vice versa doesn't imply
I'm my own sibling. So in this framework a first cousin is just a child of
someone's parents' siblings. The logic easily extends to further cousins,
of course.

And pray, use N3. The XML serialisation is a severe pain in the ass. ;)
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy -, tel:+358-50-5756111
student/math+cs/helsinki university,
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Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2003 14:59:37 UTC