ANNOUNCE: Intellidimension InferEd (RDF Editor w/Inference)

Intellidimension announces the availability of a free beta download of
InferEd, a powerful new authoring and browsing environment for RDF. 
Product and download information is available at:
Features of InferEd include:
- native RDF editing environment
- loading and storing of rdf documents from the web or local file system
- class browser and graphical class diagrams
- resource list and resource detail views
- integration with RDF Gateway (view and edit RDF Gateway tables)
- search and replace (w/regular expression support)
- rule-based inference - add rules to ontologies
- explanation of inferences
Please give it a try and let us know what you think.
Geoff Chappell

Received on Thursday, 19 June 2003 14:55:19 UTC