Guided exploration on top of RDF

Spectacle:Server is a 100% Java web component (to be deployed in
a web app server like Tomcat/JBoss/SunOne/WebSphere) which offers
high-performance, scalable guided exploration (*) on sets of structured or
unstructured data.

The reason to post on rdf-interest is because you can use
Spectacle:Server as your user's front-end to RDF data which exists in
files or RDF databases like Sesame ( 

The download of Spectacle:Server contains a simple sample in source
code, which connects to a Sesame database and transforms its contents in
an end-user web environment (**). View the results at

You can download Spectacle:Server at

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* Guided exploration consists of:

	- continuous feedback to the user about the
	  options which limit the amount of matching objects.
	  	-- there is no need for the user to type-in anything.
	  	   Spectacle shows what it knows.
	  	-- eliminates the famous "no hits" behaviour of 
	  	   so many traditional sites
	  	-- enables guided specialization whenever the current
	  	   result set is too large.
	- continuous feedback to the user about the
	  options which lead to alternatives for the current matching

** Because we didn't spend any effort to separate domain knowledge from
   the core RDF model, it's not really targetting end-users ....

You can download Spectacle:Server at

Before you'll download, you can try the examples mentioned on the
download page, which are based on e.g. Lucene and Google, and which
allow you to explore a set of documents/web pages. Source code of these
examples is included in the download. Sample applications based on
structured data are mentioned too.

Example commercial sites based on Spectacle:Server are:

	--	(of course)
	--		(Dutch about sports and 
							sport brands)
	--	(Dutch travel site)

You're invited to forward this mail or to reply to:
aidministrator nederland bv  -
prinses julianaplein 14-b, 3817 cs amersfoort, the netherlands
tel. +31-(0)33-4659987   fax. +31-(0)33-4659987

Received on Tuesday, 17 June 2003 08:09:09 UTC