Query capabilities in RDFS?

I'd like to define a set of the queries supported by an information
source(so called query capabilities, e.g. a database, joseki server  or
peer. Elements used in a query are matched against the schema of the
information source  in order to determine if the information source is
able to answer the query. A match means that the information source
understands and can answer a specific query, but does not guarantee a
non-empty answer set.  Has anybody made experiences in expressing query
capabilities of a source with RDFS? Are there running rrojects? Where
can I see an example? Is there an open repository where everybody can
submit its URL to the data source and its query capabilities, like
http://www.salcentral.com/salnet/webserviceswsdlne.asp for WSDL

Cheers Alex


  Alexander Löser
  Technische Universitaet Berlin Fakultaet IV - CIS
  bmb+f-Projekt: "New Economy, Neue Medien in der Bildung"
  hp: http://cis.cs.tu-berlin.de/~aloeser/
  office: +49- 30-314-25551
  fax   : +49- 30-314-21601

Received on Monday, 14 July 2003 08:13:43 UTC