Re: OWL database schemas?

On Dec 30, 2003 09:33 PM, Benjamin Nowack <> wrote:

Dear Benjamin,

KAON only supports a slight extension of RDFS, the schema for storage employed in KAON is documented

We are currently working on support for OWL; the storage scheme we use here is very simple since we create unary predicates/tables for every class and binary predicates/tables for every property, the semantics of the ontology is translated to rules that operate on top of these predicates. The OWL ontology definition itself is not stored in the database but kept in main memory, we actually did not encounter any ontology yet where this strategy did not work

All the best

> Hi weavers,
> for my thesis project I developed a relational database
> schema to store OWL ontologies. And now I have to give
> reasons for not using an existing one. "absence" has
> been my justification so far. But I'm sure people are
> working on similar stuff.
> I read the SWAD-Europe survey[1] and some Wonderweb/KAON-
> related publications[2],[3]. KAON seems to support some
> OWL features such as cardinality contraints and symmetric
> properties, but I didn't find any tables for boolean
> class combinations, property restrictions or datatype
> properties. The other solutions focus on instance data
> and RDFS schemas.
> Up to now, I couldn't find any publication about database
> schemas for OWL ontologies. somebody here who could give
> me a hint?
> thanx in advance,
> benjamin
> ______________________________
> Benjamin Nowack
> Kruppstrasse 82-100
> 45145 Essen, Germany
> [1]>
>                         scalable_rdbms_mapping_report/
> [2]
> [3]>
>                         p29-volz.html


Raphael Volz
Institute AIFB
University of Karlsruhe
D-76128 Karlsruhe

Received on Wednesday, 31 December 2003 08:20:55 UTC