Re: Trust, Context, Justification and Quintuples

On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 09:16:40AM -0500, Thomas B. Passin wrote:
> >we did some brainstorming about trust, context and the justification of
> >query results and ended up with:
> >- an extended RDF data model based on quintuples (a triple plus two
> >additional elements: context and statement ID).
> It seems to me that it would be possible to make statements about a
> statement by creating a predicate that is an instance of a predicate
> class.  That instance would be using in only one statement.
> Therefore, any statement about that predicate could be taken to be a
> statement about the triple it is part of.
> For example, instead of
> {#Bob, #friendOf, #Mary}
> We could have
> {#friendOf_1, rdfs:type, #friendOf}
> {#Bob, #friendOf_1, #Mary}
> {#friendOf_1, #veracityAssessment, #Dubious}
> This would work as long as the instance of the predicate were used in
> only one statement.

Why not just reify the statement?

    rdf:subject :Bob ;
    rdf:predicate :friendOf ;
    rdf:object :Mary ;
    ex:id "1234" ;
    ex:context "" .

Isn't that precisely what reification is for?

Dmitry Borodaenko

Received on Thursday, 18 December 2003 11:22:53 UTC