Applications in Spectacle

Hi, (again)

Sorry for re-send this message,  I have problems with my email and I
think I missed the response to my question:

Here it go again:

We are trying to work with Spectacle to make a website for data navigation
and search.  Data is stored in Sesame.
The problem is that we do not know how to write the pages.  The
examples that come with spectacle have some pages with code like:
#if ( ${TOTAL.equals("1")}  )
##TOTAL## match.
#elseif ( ${TOTAL.length()} < 2  )
##TOTAL## matches.
##TOTAL## matches; showing ##FROM## - ##TO##.
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
#foreach ( $SUMMARY in ${SUMMARIES}  )

What language it is using in things like:
   #if ( ${TOTAL.equals("1")} )
   ##TOTAL## match.                   ?

And another question?
 - How can we make others covers?  we found some built-with-java menu
 in the sample applications that show items to modify a cover but
 they are disabled and there is no way to identify us with a user that
 have such permmision.


- Hernán Molina
- Fernanda Papa

 National University of La Pampa

Received on Tuesday, 16 December 2003 22:07:26 UTC