JRDF - Announcement

This is to announce that the first beta of an API for RDF in Java (JRDF).

My current work has involved integrating Kowari with Jena.  After some 
initial work it became obvious that I needed a common set of APIs that 
could be used in our code and Jena's.  I required a level of consistency 
across APIs that wasn't available and it coincided with some talk on the 
Sesame developers list about integrating it and Jena.

I've taken the bits I thought were most appropriate from Jena, Sesame 
and Sergey Melnik's RDF API.  I've spoke with developers of both Sesame 
and Jena about this and taken into consideration the comments they've 
given me so far (mainly checked exceptions from Andy Seaborne).

The current interfaces in this release are few and quite simple. Things 
like a common name for getting the value from a Literal, the type of 
exception to expect from a Graph operation, the interface for creating 
different types of Nodes, etc.

The current plans include interfaces and base implementations for the 
following areas:
* Graph API,
* Creating and manipulating Graph objects (Statements, Nodes, etc.),
* A standard system level interface for storing triples,
* Transactions,
* Event Handling (addition/removal of nodes from a graph),
* Query Handling (including results, transport, etc),
* RDF Datatypes,
* Security and
* Inferencing.

I'd like any feedback on this, at all.  I'd especially be interested in 
other language support and which version of Java (I'd like to do a 1.5 
specific API for example).

Project page: http://jrdf.sf.net/

Received on Friday, 12 December 2003 01:03:58 UTC