RE: RDF Schema Validator - Validate RDF triples

Sorry for a late continue of this thread, i was on holiday.

> We've talked about doing such a thing as a Jena contrib tool 
> and I'm interested
> in use cases for it. What sorts of validation are you looking 
> for? What
> constructs, apart from datatype clashes, do you want to 
> regard as violations to
> be detected by a validator?
I want to use the RDF-Schema definition of

describe an ontology. (see musicbrainz.rdfs attachement)
And use some data that should comply to the ontology (see
musicbrainz.rdf and other examples

What I want to do is:

- Check both rdf & rdfs to RDF syntax conformity (i.e. did I type
rdf:Bag or rdf:bag) - this is already possible

- check if the resources used as objects are in the range they should be
in, especially with resources that are members of a class.
i.e. is the "dc:creator" of an album really of class "mm:Artist"

- check if mandatory properties of a resource exist. 

The validator should write out:
"resource X has object Y defined as "creator" but Y is not of required
range mm:Artist"
"resource X is not of any known class"


It is very hard to write RDF & RDFS without such a valiator

Sandro Hawke
> The term "validate" is not very well defined in the RDFS space. 
Thats correct, I transfered it from XML terminology to rdf terminology,
so to my understanding "valid" means that the semantics are ok.

Received on Monday, 28 April 2003 07:46:56 UTC