Re: rdf:li outside of rdf:Bag

> What does it mean to have an rdf:li element placed as the child of an
> element that isn't a collection element (rdf:Bag, rdf:Seq, rdf:Alt, or
> others)?  For instance, consider the following document:

Yes, you can use rdf:_nnn.

But there are some related issues (haven't yet been resolved).

> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [
> <!ENTITY jfc  "jfc://example#">
> <!ENTITY rdf  "">
> ]>
> <rdf:RDF xmlns:jfc="&jfc;" xmlns:rdf="&rdf;">
> <jfc:arc rdf:about="#L1">
> <jfc:arcrole rdf:resource="#L1role" />
> <rdf:li>
> <jfc:Thing rdf:about="#t0" />
> </rdf:li>
> <rdf:li>
> <jfc:Thing rdf:about="#t1" />
> </rdf:li>
> <rdf:li>
> <jfc:Thing rdf:about="#t2" />
> </rdf:li>
> </jfc:arc>
> </rdf:RDF>
> According to the W3C's RDF Validator (,
> the above example parses without errors; however, I am skeptical of that
> validation.  What does the document mean?
> P.S. Also, does anyone know if rdf:about or rdf:resource are compatible
> with the xlink specification?  That is, can I link to and from nodes and
> arcs in RDF/XML graphs with xlink attributes?  Is there a concise way of
> doing it if so?

Based on my knowledg, there is no such mechanism in RDF Specs.

> --
> James F. Cerra 
> "Shhh!!!  I'm monitoring the residue of the Laurent series expansion for
> a time-asymmetric solution of the partial-differential Schrödinger
> Equation, which is describing the evolution of the Hamiltonian function
> for the spin states of an unstable Baryonic particle that's interacting
> with my friend's cat!  One mistake and SPLAT! ;-)"

Yuzhong Qu

Received on Sunday, 20 April 2003 00:09:20 UTC