are xmlns qualifiers necessary?

I have been thinking about ways to avoid using xmlns qualifiers,
in order to improve readability of RDF/OWL files.

I expect that many practical cases will have unique names
without using qualifiers.  To test this idea, I have added
two experimental features to MKE (
1. make q:name the same as name, for all q
2. check command option to detect multiple q for a name

Here is an illustration of these features.

# KEHOME/knowledge/applications/SemanticWeb/OWL/camera.nt
# Apr/18/2003

# experimenting with xmlns qualifiers #

begin ntriple xmlns qualifier experiment;
body rdfs:subPropertyOf part;
lens owl:subPropertyOf part;
Camera owl:part body;
Camera part lens;
end ntriple xmlns qualifier experiment;

do check od xmlns done;
part isc* ?;
part has ?;
Camera haspart ?;
subPropertyOf has ?;

! deletecomment camera.out done;


$ export TABRASA=rdf
$ ke camera.nt
# INFO: myopen: command line files: ke arg(list[1]) <camera.nt>
# input  file <camera.nt>
# output file <camera.out>
# error  file <camera.err>
# log    file <camera.log>
# INFO: kversion = "McCullough Knowledge Explorer version 5.5  April 18,
# INFO: iversion = "Unicon Version 10.0 (beta-3).  August 24, 2002"
# INFO: systype = Windows
# INFO: kehome = C:/home/ke
# INFO: keview = C:/home/ke/view
# clock <2003/04/18 18:58:10> # finished opening files

########## McCullough Knowledge Explorer ##########
# debug <NO> kformat <ku> hoseparator </> relseparator <,> nvseparator <=>

##### loading knowledge base #####
# INFO: ke: TABRASA(string[3]) <rdf>
# INFO: new_knit: creating newview(string[11]) <tabula rasa>
# INFO: new_knit: creating newview(string[11]) <tabula rasa>
##### read_knit kb/rdfrasa.html #####
##### parse_file file(C:/home/ke/kb/rdfrasa.html) #####
# 0 errors found in hierarchy tabhi
# 0 errors found in unithierarchy tabprim
# 0 errors found in file kb/rdfrasa.html
##### read_knit kb/rdfke.html #####
##### parse_file file(C:/home/ke/kb/rdfke.html) #####
# 0 errors found in hierarchy kehi
# 0 errors found in unithierarchy keprim
# 0 errors found in file kb/rdfke.html
# clock <2003/04/18 18:58:12> # finished loading tabula rasa
# command <do read from kb/initial.mkr done;>
##### read_knit kb/initial.mkr #####
##### parse_file file(C:/home/ke/kb/initial.mkr) #####
# assignment <set echo = off;>
##### read_knit kb/kvalue.ku #####
##### parse_file file(C:/home/ke/kb/kvalue.ku) #####
# 0 errors found in file kb/kvalue.ku
# assignment <set echo = on;>
# command <do check od unknown done;>
# unknown count:         0
# context <at view = myview ;>
# INFO: new_knit: myview copied from oldview(string[11]) <tabula rasa>
# assignment <set tapformat = ku;>
# 0 errors found in file kb/initial.mkr
# clock <2003/04/18 18:58:13> # finished user initialization script

# INFO: ke: tapformat(string[2]) <ku>

##### ready for new knowledge #####
##### use <do menu done;> for MKE input menu #####
##### use <exit;> or <EOF> to exit ke #####
##### parse_file file(camera.nt) #####
# s_nt <body rdfs:subPropertyOf part;>
# statement <body iss* part ;>
# s_hierarchy <body iss* part ;>
# MKR translation <body iss* part;>
# MKR translation <body iss* part;>
# s_nt <lens owl:subPropertyOf part;>
# statement <lens iss* part ;>
# s_hierarchy <lens iss* part ;>
# MKR translation <lens iss* part;>
# s_nt <Camera owl:part body;>
# MKR translation <Camera haspart body;>
# s_nt <Camera part lens;>
# MKR translation <Camera haspart lens;>
# 0 errors found in ntriple xmlns qualifier experiment
# command <do check od xmlns done;>
# INFO: check_xmlns: subPropertyOf has xmlns = <(set[2]) <[owl,rdfs]>
# INFO: check_xmlns: subPropertyOf has xmlname = <(set[3])
# xmlns count:           808 items, 1 items with multiple xmlns qualifiers
# question <part isc* ? ;>
/  _n
/  body
/  first
/  lens
/  rest
# question <part has ? ;>
part has
    classname = part\Property\Resource,
    ctype = part,
    firstlevel = false,
    gtype = characteristic,
    htype = concept,
    krtype = mkr,
    mount = "",
    nickname = "",
    primitive = false,
    ptype = none,
    rootname = Resource/Property/part,
    shortname = part,
    utype = none,
    xmlname = [owl:part,part],
    xmlns = owl
# question <Camera haspart ? ;>
Camera haspart
    body = &null,
    lens = &null
# question <subPropertyOf has ? ;>
subPropertyOf has
    classname = subPropertyOf\relation\Property\Resource,
    ctype = relation,
    firstlevel = false,
    gtype = none,
    htype = concept,
    krtype = mkr,
    mount = "",
    nickname = "",
    primitive = false,
    ptype = none,
    rootname = Resource/Property/relation/subPropertyOf,
    shortname = subPropertyOf,
    utype = none,
    xmlname = [owl:subPropertyOf,subPropertyOf,rdfs:subPropertyOf],
    xmlns = [owl,rdfs]
# command <! deletecomment camera.out &null done;>
# 0 errors found in input before/after last group xmlns qualifier experiment
#####  exit  #####
# lines:           506
# propositions:    72
#   newpropositions:  0
#   productions:      0
#   contexts:         1
#   nullpropositions: 1
#   ku sentences:    70
#     ku statements:   28
#     questions:       4
#     commands:        7
#     assignments:     26
#     conditionals:     0
#     iterations:      0
#     groups:          5
# ho   statements: 193
# rel  statements: 0
# nt   statements: 4
# mcf  statements: 0
# rdf  statements: 0
# html statements: 16

Dick McCullough
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;

Received on Friday, 18 April 2003 22:54:57 UTC