RE: Need help developing Camera model

1st a Question 2 u:
Have you searched all Camera manufacturers if they already have a model
to describe what you need ?
Perhaps some manufacturer already has released something like a EdiFact
or EdiXML syntax, or a file format for camera catalogues. Perhaps
someone provides a Web-Based service to configure cameras, look at their
web sources....
IF there is something, try to take their property & resource names.
Perhaps you find the "compatible" relation, too.

Then some hints for your model:

> 1. SLR is a subclass of Camera.
> 2. Large-Format is a subclass of Camera.
> 3. Digital is a subclass of Camera.
Good approach, I think that the three are exclusive, so a single camera
can't be both, so using class is fine

> 8. Camera, SLR, Large-Format, and Digital all have the properties
>    shutter-speed, f-stop, and focal-length. 
Thats exactly what you do with classes and subclasses.

Make a class "Body", define the three properties "shutterSpeed" "fStop"
"focalLength" to domain "Body".
Then make classes (independent from Body) that resemble LargeFormat, SLR
and Digital.
Then make a class "Lens".
Then make a class "CompactCamera"

I define a "CompactCamera" as including lens & body in one piece.
A CompactCamera  could be digital :-|
A Hasselblad 500V (and well-a famous camera, isn't it?) is large format
and a "compactcamera"  - is this right ???
So subclassing Digital or large format to camera body could cause
problems here.

split up everything in fields - spare us the parsing work pleassseeee
split up the values to min and max, and note them in decimal value, not
as a division. Also, I would define the precision of the values as
"seconds" and note that in the schema file as comment.
 (<shutter-speed>1/2000 sec. to 10 sec.</shutter-speed>) -->
shutterSpeedMin = 0.0005;
shutterSpeedMax = 10;

I would split the currency info from the currency value. You can't make
automatic price comparing calcultations when both are mangled in a
I don't know of a better way how to represent money, but there is surely
an existing schema that does handle this.

Make a Namespace ?
Would be fine if you make a suggestion for your namespace,

To my knowledge every company has it's own system of bajonett shutters
to connect cameras to bodies. For digital cameras there is another
system, too. Some are compatible.
I would create a class "cam:ConnectionSystem" and create some resources
for each connection standard.
<> rdf:type
... Hasselblad has a Xpan Lens & Body system

Then assign the cameras and lenses as beeing compatible with the

	rdf:type cam:Lens;
	rdf:usesSystem <>;
	rdf:type cam:Body;
	rdf:usesSystem <>;
	rdf:shutterSpeedMin "0.0001";
	rdf:shutterSpeedMax "8";

This notation is wounderful for making searches like "find me a body &
lens of a common compatible System that have this and that feature and
don't cost much".

Example of all Ideas in N3

@prefix cam:  <> .

	rdf:type cam:CompactCamera, cam:Lens, cam:Body, cam:LargeFormat;
	cam:shutterSpeedMin "0.0005";
	cam:shutterSpeedMax "10"

	rdf:type cam:Body;
	cam:shutterSpeedMin "0.0005";
	cam:shutterSpeedMax "10";
	[cam:price "10"; cam:currency "USD";]

Hasselblad examples taken from

Interesting topic

Leo Sauermann

> 9. Consider this:
>     <Body rdf:about="">
>          <shutter-speed>1/2000 sec. to 10 sec.</shutter-speed>
>          <cost>$345 USD</cost>
>     </Body>
> I want to be able to infer that this is data about a Camera 
> Body.  That
> is, if my Web Bot is searching for Camera info, it should be able to
> infer that this is in fact Camera info.
> 10. Consider this:
>     <Lens rdf:about="">
>          <compatibleWith
>             rdf:resource="
>          <focal-length>75-300mm zoom</focal-length>
>          <f-stop>4.0-4.5</f-stop>
>          <cost>$295 USD</cost>
>     </Lens>
> I want to be able to infer that this is data about a Camera 
> Lens.  That
> is, if my Web Bot is searching for Camera info, it should be able to
> infer that this is in fact Camera info.
> Those are the things that I want to model.  The relationship between
> Body and Camera, and Lens and Camera are especially fuzzy in my mind. 
> Can you help flesh out this model?  /Roger

Received on Monday, 14 April 2003 07:37:03 UTC