RE: URIRefs are not "opaque" identifiers; mapping RDF substructure to KIF

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> URIrefs are not opaque identifiers.  They have substructure 
> which is open to examination and is an Internet Draft 
> Standard.  (Every web browser has to use it, of course.)

All true. If RDF treats them as opaque (and the Model Theory suggests it
does), does it matter?

> RDF uses URIRefs as its identifiers specifically so that it 
> can take advantage of the web infrastructure.  

I haven't seen much if anything by the way of specification that
supports this view. I think RDF can be layered on top of web
infrastructure, but that's somewhat different.

> If RDF were to 
> view its identifiers as wholey opaque, there would be 
> provably no reason for
> using URIRefs instead of something like UUIDs or TAGs.   

If you replaced the use of URIrefs in the Model Theory with UUIDs, would
it make any difference to the semantics in the Model Theory? 

Bill de hÓra 


Received on Thursday, 26 September 2002 04:20:54 UTC