RDF vs the rest of the world

 I have met a lot of this kind of problems. Seems to me that at the beggining
 the range of a property was a constraint on the property, but nowaday the
new  semantics says that if the property P has range X and (a P b) it imply that
b is an istance of the class X. The rande/domanin are not constraint anymore,
 but just way to declare the type of a variable. I heard that it could be
 changed in the future by the W3C.
 More or less with this semantic you can say everything in RDF. No
 Is this a good way to produce an object so sophisticated as the Semantic
 Has anyone realized that the Semantic Web - the real one - is just a dream
 for the next 10 years.
 Do you think that will be possible (as was stated by Lee in an article few
 months ago) that in 5 years will be possible have a huge database (the web)
 in which anybody can definine properties, names for entity and relation
 between them.
 I am not able to find the information that I need I my personal agenda...
how  can I think that a database made by *ordinary* people could work in the
next  future?
 I am concern about the way in which people could write page in DAML+OIL or
 DAML+S or definie Ontology (activity that I think should be done just by
 expert) and this because it is alway difficult understand the semantic of
 that languages. RDF is just a layer in the project good for private database
 but will it be enough for the real *semantic web*?
 Are we thinking about a small private application or at the whole WEB?
 Do you think that someone will start to rewrite all the pages that has done
 in a very simple language (HTML)? Have never tryed to get a random page in
 the web and thought how it would be translated for the semantic web?
 Personally I love the Idea of the Semantic Web and I think that an extra
 ammount of information stored into a web page could be usefull, but is this
 the way?
 Do not you think that machine learning, statistic will tools more pawerful
 than structured information full of mistakes?
 In my personal opinion I think that the correct way could be try to join
 immediately the most powerful approches in the word (logic, neural net, RDF,
 KR, statistic) to try to attack a so hard problem, the semantic Web. And
this  because considering that the extra information are writen by human and the
 software to catch them (spiders, serarch engine, agents...) are writen by
 human as well, why we do not try to think how coul really work a web of
 sorry for the long letter, but sometimes I think that we have to see the
 problem from 10,000ft high (as was said by Lee)... but now seems that we are
 more concerd in small problems and we have lost the general picture of the
 real problem. Do you think that with RDF we can beat google and its very
 siple algorithm of ranking?

> m batsis wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > * Can someone please point to what a property range defaults to?
> >
> > * IF I am correct, when a property has multiple ranges, all of them must
> > be satisfied (does not make sence to me;-). Can someone please explain
> > the reasons behind this?
> >
> > * How can I have two dissjoint ranges in the same property?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Manos

Received on Friday, 20 September 2002 21:59:14 UTC