Re: AW: (SeWeb) KAON - KArlsruhe ONtology and Semantic Web Infrastructure

Ashley Yakeley wrote:

>At 2002-10-08 09:16, Seth Russell wrote:
>>That is certainly true; however lamentable.  Lamentable because our 
>>tools do not seem to be able to share the higher level  programming 
>>resources simply because of the plethora of data models designers are 
>>allowed to choose from.  Lisp was great, it gave us a common data model, 
>>we were able to share many programming resources.  However, Lisp did  
>>not seem to have enough restraints on the many ways we can represent 
>>knowledge, we still have too many choices if we want our tools to share 
>Have you considered a typed language such as Haskell?
Yes, but I have languages up the Kazoo!  What is needed here is a data 
structure that has mathematical properties and is language independant. 
 Labeled directed graphs fills that bill perfectly :)

Seth Russell

Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2002 21:51:03 UTC