Re: Anonymous predicate

> I was just wondering if the following was valid N3
> @prefix foo: <...>
> @prefix rdfs: <...>
> foo:MySubject [ rdfs:label "A useful property". ] foo:MyObject.
> In other words :
> can the predicate of a statement be an anonymous resouce / bNode ?
> I think it could proove useful. For example, as my N3 sample suggests, I
> could write a triple without knowing the exact URI of the predicate, but
> knowing its label.

My n3 parser will happily turn that into

  foo:MySubject _:g1 foo:MyObject.
  _:f1 rdfs:label "A useful property".

and I imagine cwm will too.

And if you're just going to assert it, that's the same as saying

  foo:MySubject <uuid:1e7743c8-1413-11d6-8f15-0050ba4812a6> foo:MyObject.
  <uuid:1e7743c8-1413-11d6-8f15-0050ba4812a6> rdfs:label "A useful property".

The real question is whether that will do what you want in most/all
systems.   Will it in all the edge cases?

       -- sandro

Received on Monday, 28 January 2002 12:22:29 UTC