Re: RDFCore update

On 2002-01-21 17:29, "ext Aaron Swartz" <> wrote:

> On 2002-01-18 10:38 AM, "Enrico Silterra" <> wrote:
>> I would like to state that two properties are
>> equivalent - synonyms
> [...] 
>> Can they be declared as subProperties of each other?
> Yep, or you can use daml:samePropertyAs.
> See for more on DAML.

I agree with Aaron.

I've found it useful to think of rdfs:subPropertyOf as meaning
that, for any property A that is an rdfs:subPropertyOf a
property B, any valid value of A is also a valid value of B,
according to the semantics attributed to A and B.

Thus, if ex:name is an rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:title than any
valid value for ex:name is also a valid value for dc:title;
or, any value having a valid interpretation per the semantics
attributed to ex:name has a valid interpretation according
to the semantics attributed to dc:title.

If dc:title is also an rdfs:subPropertyOf ex:name, then any valid
value for dc:title is also a valid value for ex:name.

And thus, you can see that ex:name and dc:title are synonymous,
as a value of either is a valid value of the other.

The daml:samePropertyAs can be considered to be an axiom
such that

   if (A daml:samePropertyAs B) or (B daml:samePropertyAs A)
   then (A rdfs:subPropertyOf B) and (B rdfs:subPropertyOf A)

An analogous axiomatic relation exists between daml:equivalentTo
and rdfs:subClassOf.



Patrick Stickler              Phone: +358 50 483 9453
Senior Research Scientist     Fax:   +358 7180 35409
Nokia Research Center         Email:

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2002 03:24:55 UTC