Re: new cwm release

> I have just made a new release of cwm.  Functionalty is basically the
> but code is better inside.  List handling should be improved.

that is actually very good news
we have been using
  ( first-item-of-list / rest-of-list )
just because we saw no alternative to write stuff such as
but that (very understandably) gives a cwm Traceback
  File "/\", line 417, in node
    if j<0: raise BadSyntax(self._thisDoc, self.lines, str, i, "expected item in list or ')'")
notation3.BadSyntax: Line 36 of <file:/>: Bad syntax (expected item
in list or ')') at ^ in:
"...mplies { :x a [ owl:intersectionOf ( :a ^/ :b ) ] } .
{ :x a [ owl:intersectionO..."

which is indeed due to that / token
I wanted to find some alternative, but wasn't successful

Jos De Roo

Received on Friday, 22 February 2002 03:52:24 UTC