Re: context

I think of that as a separate question, 
to be asked after we have agreed on the "fundamental" view of context.  
How can we structure or simplify the context?
Dick McCullough 
knowledge := man do identify od existent done
knowledge haspart proposition list

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Danny Ayers 
  To: Richard H. McCullough ; RDF-Interest 
  Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 6:16 AM
  Subject: RE: context
     > Here's my most fundamental view of context.
     > Imagine that I decide to record all my knowledge in a diary.  Every day, I write propositions in my diary, numbering them 1, 2, ....
     > Today, I record proposition 123456789; the context of proposition 123456789 is the list of propositions from 1 to 123456788.
     > It's that simple!

     > My KR language and KE program is my way of recording, organizing & using a large list of propositions.

    Ah. When I was asking about context before I had something rather different in mind. Let's say the *pages* of your diary are numbered 1...1234, and each of those pages contains a set of statements. The context I was looking for of page 1222 would be all the statements on that page. The problem as I see it in RDF is that we can easily refer to page 1222 (by it's URI), but that gives us the page (document), and there's an air gap between that and the statements it contains (the RDF model).
    C heers,

Received on Sunday, 15 December 2002 10:52:59 UTC