Blank reified statements

It seems to me that there's no way in the WD syntax to combine the
functions of rdf:nodeID to create blank nodes, and rdf:ID to reify
statements.  Thus, the only way to reify a statement without giving
it a URI is by writing out the entire reification explicitly.

Perhaps an rdf:statementID construct is needed...?

<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="subject">
  <ex:property rdf:statementID="statement" rdf:nodeID="object"/>

as an equivalent to

<rdf:Description rdf:node:ID="subject">
  <ex:property rdf:nodeID="object"/>

<rdf:Statement rdf:nodeID="statement">
  <rdf:subject rdf:nodeID="subject"/>
  <rdf:predicate rdf:resource="&ex;property"/>
  <rdf:object rdf:nodeID="object"/>

For symmetry, one might also want rdf:statementBagID to generate a
blank rdf:Bag of reified statements in the spirit of rdf:bagID.

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