Re: Layering LX (or FOL) on RDF

From: "Peter F. Patel-Schneider" <>

> Well, how does one forbid self-referencing sentences.  To do so, one would
> have to say something like
> _:s rdf:type rdf:Statement .
> _:s rdf:subject _:s .
> is not an RDF graph.

It seems to me that  "_:s rdf:subject _:s"  is not a self referencing
triple.  In fact I dont's see how you could even write a self referencing
triple in RDF at all, since RDF does not even provide for triples to have an
identity.  In the example above "_:s" is the identity of the thing of type
Statement, not the identity of the triple.

Help, I'm confused  ?

Seth Russell

Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2002 12:19:06 UTC