RE: Survey of RDF data on the Web

Hi Dan,

> Have you looked at having your crawler traverse rdfs:seeAlso references?

Yes, we did traverse those. They were checked as part of the last search
strategy (section 2.4). Out of about 800 rdfs:seeAlso references found, 15
previously unseen URLs were obtained.

> There are currently only a few hundred such documents in the
> RDFWeb/FOAF testbed, but it's been enough to convince me that the general
> approach has merit, and that a Web of small, independently maintained RDF
> documents can be more useful than having a few huge KBs dumped out in
> RDF/XML format.

I agree. I really like the FOAF project. I'm convinced that these
applications are the much needed incentive for people to start using RDF.


Received on Monday, 19 August 2002 11:24:54 UTC