RDF in HTML question

Just a (hopefully) quick question about RDF and HTML:
	The RDF syntax spec describes how to embed RDF in HTML so it is hidden from
web browsers by making the property values XML attributes, but what about
where there are multiple values for a property, for example, in the
following RDF, the name property could easily be written as an attribute,
but the program has two associated operating systems:


	<software:program rdf:about="http://www.downloads.com/Program1002">
		<software:name>Let The Squashing Begin</software:name>

This was addressed for containers, you manually enumerate the elements with
XML attributes, but I don't see how to do it in general.  I'm sure this is a
fairly simple problem that someone has a solution for, I just can't find it.

Any help would be appreciated,
Tim Chartrand

Received on Friday, 16 August 2002 13:03:19 UTC