Re: How do Schemas support RDF collections?

From: "Seth Ladd" <>

> An internal one.  We're developing an ontology for our internal data
> structures.  We have Groups of things, and I was trying to find an
> efficient way to describe that.  I think we have to have multiple
> identical properties defined for a single object (instead of using a
> Bag) for our ontologies to define everything we need.

What do you mean by: "multiple  identical properties defined for a single
object" ?

We have that right now:

A r B.
C r B.
D r B.

We even have multiple identical properties for a single *subject* like:

A s B.
A s C.
A s D.

But if you want :

A q B.
A q B.
A q B.

Then, alas, that we don't have that.  Triples are unique within the
document, you end up with just one triple {A q B}.

Incidentally, why do you need any more than the second example {A s B. A s
C. A s D.}  to show that A is a member of three groups, and that some group
can have multiple members ?

Seth Russell

Received on Friday, 9 August 2002 16:07:52 UTC