Re: How do Schemas support RDF collections?

From: "Seth Ladd" <>

> User hasMembership Bag (content, content, content)
> into
> User hasMembership content.
> User hasMembership content.
> User hasMembership content.
> That would make programming against the model graph a lot simpler.

Problem is, i am told, this is not always the case.  For example if {W
dc:creator (A, B)} then we cannot in good faith say that {W dc:creator A. W
dc:creator B.}.  There are lots of relationships that simply do not
distribute over sequences; but ,OTOH, there are lots of relationships that
do.  We discussed this in #rdfig the other day.  Somebody suggested  that we
need a new subClass of properties ...  maybe call it DistributesOverBags
.... then we say
 {hasMembership   rdfs:subPropertyOf   DistributesOverBags}
and your inferences should come out ok.

.... hmmm ... what namespace wants to claim such a term ?

Seth Russell

Received on Friday, 9 August 2002 13:29:28 UTC