Re: Google Result in RDF

From: Alexander Löser

>This is a hard problem because the resource we're talking about (a web
>page somewhere on the web) isn't really related to the above URI.  It's
>related to items inside the above URI.  So how do we say "the URI X is
>related to the resources inside URI Y." where X is a search result and Y
>is the resource of the related information page?

How about rdfs:seeAlso (see below).

    type  Property;
    comment  "Indicates a resource that provides information about the
subject resource." ;
    range  Resource;
    domain  Resource.

The RDF would be like this, then they will come out as clickable in a sailor

<rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="" />

See example in scutterplan:

Also your A0 seq just kind of hangs out in space, me thinks it would be
better as a subordinate bNode under ResultElement.

Great service ... How do we get it to work with the English google ?

Seth Russell

Received on Thursday, 8 August 2002 12:14:49 UTC