Re: Refactoring RDF/XML Syntax W3C Working Draft

> xmlns:doi="doi:1014/10.1000/system.schema.2001-07-26#"

Ugh, an unregistered URI scheme? URI schemes are one of the most valuable
resources that the Web has to offer, and should not be created on a whim
[1]. They should only be created when there is a well-defined requirement
for them, i.e. that a URN namespace won't do, and that the objects cannot
be identified to a degree of satisfaction by any other URI scheme. If your
identifiers are that useful that they need an entirely new URI scheme, then
I'd love to hear the reasons, but if not, would you consider registering a
URN namespace with the IETF?

You may also consider creating a "tag:" URI [2] for the DOI space, which
may end up being something like:-,2001-07-26:1014:10.1000:system.scheme:

But note that the "tag:" URI scheme is currently in the process of being


[1] I'm going into severe hypocrite mode there, seeing as how I've made
plenty... but none on a proprietary basis, all for intended global uses.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Thursday, 13 September 2001 12:40:49 UTC