Re: RDFWiki


For those of you who don't frequent the RDF IG\IRC Chat room\wiki at
sample RDFWiki(s) have been installed at a couple of places:

Anyway I think this is a promising development, but it needs more to be
functionalit before its useful  ...  here is my wish list:

Wish List:
* Ability to make any clause surrounded by parenthesis a WikiName
* Ability to easily make a new arc label
* Ability to read RDF\N3\N-Triples -
- because adding triples by hand is always going to be too tedious
* Some way of easily making new nodes
* A pull down selection list for Arcs
- generated automatically from any node referenced from an arc
* Integration with the [metadata for this page] button
- see
- with the button put on any page going to a search function that finds the
human readable page in the RDFWiki
* An index button on every node that lists the triples which refer to it
* Ability to revise triples

Seth Russell

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean B. Palmer" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Seth Russell" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 8:59 AM
Subject: RDFWiki

> Seth keeps bugging people about a Wiki that uses RDF, so I wrote one in
> Python:-
> Some documentation is available for it at:-
> but it's pretty straightforward. Just change a couple of variables at the
> top to your directory path, and absolute URI for the Wiki, run it as a
> and to start it just go to "/rdfwiki?go=1". What could be simpler? :-)
> It's like any conventional Wiki [1], except that all of the WikiNames have
> URIs (when exported), and all of the data is stored as RDF. Instead of
> putting some information under each WikiPage, you have to supply a
> predicate (which can be a WikiName or a URI), and an object (which can be
> WikiName or a Literal). The Wiki can be exported as N-Triples (and only
> N-Triples at the moment).
> Thanks to Seth for constantly bugging people about the idea, and to TimBL
> for ENQUIRE [2] which was another source of inspiration for RDFWiki.
> [1] e.g.
> [2]
> --
> Kindest Regards,
> Sean B. Palmer
> @prefix : <> .
> :Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Thursday, 6 September 2001 15:48:02 UTC