Sesame: RDF Schema Querying and Storing Service

Dear all,

Sesame is an RDF Schema-based Repository and Querying
facility. It is being developed by Aidministrator Nederland
as one of the key deliverables in the European IST project
On-To-Knowledge [1].

The On-To-Knowledge project focuses on Content Driven
Knowledge Management Tools through Evolving Ontologies. As
the project has committed itself to representing knowledge
in RDF Schema and related languages (like DAML+OIL [2]),
querying and storing of such knowledge representations is an
essential part of the On-To-Knowledge toolkit.

Sesame supports highly expressive querying of both RDF data
and Schema information, using an OQL-style query language,
called RQL [3], which is being developed by the ICS-FORTH
institute in Greece.

Sesame differs from existing RDF querying approaches (such
as Squish [4]) in that it is not limited to RDF, but
directly supports the semantics of RDF Schema.

We invite you to take a look at Sesame:

You can perform RQL queries on several example RDF(S)
repositories. Technical documentation and tutorials are
available as well. Uploading of data and schema information
is reserved for authorized users for now, but if you want to
experiment with this as well, just drop us a line and we'll
create a repository for you.

We hope to receive your feedback and comments soon!

Best regards,

Jeen Broekstra
Arjohn Kampman

aidministrator nederland bv -
julianaplein 14b, 3817 cs amersfoort, the netherlands
tel. +31-(0)33-4659987, fax. +31-(0)33-4659987

Received on Monday, 26 March 2001 13:47:18 UTC