Re: ANN: Swag Dictionary as seen by SethBot

From: "Graham Klyne" <>


> I think can imagine some interesting things to try on this... is the
> dictionary document available in RDF?

Hmmm ...

What you see as the dictionary is the bot's internal view of what is already
external RDF.  So one answer to your question is, "Yes", you already have
the RDF of the schemas .. if the bot were to output this view in RDF, it
should look almost exactly like the schema documents it read to produce the
dictionary (which you already have).   Now it could output RDF that was all
contained in one namespace ... but would you want that?

What I think it should output for the purposes you probably propose is just
a tab delimited file of its database.   Would that be helpful for the things
you want to try?


Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2001 11:12:58 UTC