Naive approach to representing XTM 1.0 as RDF

(cross posted to

After a fascinating dinner between RDF and XTM executives and a night
dreaming of XTM and RDF, I have decided, before the breakfast, to try a
simple approach described a while ago in an article published on
to translate an extract of the XTM topic map I have presented at KT 2001
into RDF.

This is nothing but a quick hack that basically consist in replacing ids
by rdf:about, xlink:href by rdf:resource and moving some elements around
to work around the RDF limitations about references included in embedded

I find the result quite encouraging, though and the topic map structure
appears well in the generated triples (to give it a try, just past the
RDF document into the online SIRPAC interface [2] that will also give
you a graphical representation of these triples).

I attach:

  - a copy of the portion of XTM used for this example (map.xtm)
  - a copy of the RDF version of this example (map.rdf)
  - the result of the SIRPAC interface (without the picture:

Again, the right way to define a RDF representation of Topic Maps is
probably to derive a syntax from the TM data model rather than using a
simple transformation working on the syntax like I have done, but I see
this as an encouraging sign or proof of concept to show that Topic Maps
can be represented in RDF.


See you in Austin (Knowledge Technologies 2001)
Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea              
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<topicMap xmlns:xlink="">
	<topic id="news.story.topic">
			<baseNameString>Topic XMLNews-Story</baseNameString>
	<topic id="object.title">
			<topicRef xlink:href="#news.story.topic"/>
	<topic id="story">
	<topic id="related">
			<baseNameString>Sujets voisins</baseNameString>
	<topic id="from">
	<topic id="to">
	<topic id="object.title-topic+maps">
			<topicRef xlink:href="#object.title"/>
			<baseNameString>topic maps (object.title)</baseNameString>
		<occurrence id="object.title-topic+maps-1">
				<topicRef xlink:href="#story"/>
			<resourceRef xlink:href=""/>
		<occurrence id="object.title-topic+maps-2">
				<topicRef xlink:href="#story"/>
			<resourceRef xlink:href=""/>
	<association id="assoc-object.title-topic+maps-2">
			<topicRef xlink:href="#related"/>
				<topicRef xlink:href="#from"/>
			<topicRef xlink:href="#object.title-topic+maps"/>
				<topicRef xlink:href="#to"/>
			<topicRef xlink:href="#object.title-xml"/>
	<association id="assoc-object.title-topic+maps-6">
			<topicRef xlink:href="#related"/>
				<topicRef xlink:href="#from"/>
			<topicRef xlink:href="#object.title-topic+maps"/>
				<topicRef xlink:href="#to"/>
			<topicRef xlink:href="#object.title-xlink"/>
	<association id="assoc-object.title-topic+maps-7">
			<topicRef xlink:href="#related"/>
				<topicRef xlink:href="#from"/>
			<topicRef xlink:href="#object.title-topic+maps"/>
				<topicRef xlink:href="#to"/>
			<topicRef xlink:href="#object.title-xtm"/>
	<topic id="object.title-xtm">
			<topicRef xlink:href="#object.title"/>
		<occurrence id="object.title-xtm+1.0-1">
				<topicRef xlink:href="#story"/>
			<resourceRef xlink:href=""/>

Received on Thursday, 8 March 2001 00:15:27 UTC