URI Implementations

I'm starting a list of URI implementations[1]. The only one I know of is the
one I wrote for Tcl[2]. Does anyone know of any others?

By implementation I mean something that can resolve relative URIs, probably
break URIs into parts and maybe do some other related things. I'm sure this
kind of stuff must be out there, especially for things like RDF parsers.

If you wrote, or know of something similar to this, please email me so I can
add it to the list.

[1] http://logicerror.com/uriImplementations
[2] http://logicerror.com/uriImplementations-tcl


Aaron Swartz <me@aaronsw.com>|  SWAG: Semantic Web Agreement Group
  <http://www.aaronsw.com>   |       <http://purl.org/swag/>
AIM: JediOfPi | ICQ: 33158237|     helping build the next web

Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2001 18:33:43 UTC