Getting RDF N3 From HyperText

If you Webize "rel" and mark up your HyperText links like so:-

   <a href="" rel="#collaborator">Seth</a>

With "rel" as the predicate, and "href" as the object. Then it becomes
very easy to XSLT transform it into N3:-

   <> <#collaborator> <> .

Plus, you can use the "title" element to display the predicate as
well, so you can "browse" the RDF. I wrote the following XSLT script
to extract the rel attribute as a predicate, and the href attribute as
the object:-

    xmlns="" version="1.0"
    xmlns:h="" >
<output method="text"/>
<template match="h:html">
<text>@prefix : &lt;#&gt; .
<template match="/h:html/h:body">
 <for-each select=".//h:a">
   <text>&lt;&gt; </text><value-of select="(@rel)" /><text>
&lt;</text><value-of select="(@href)" /><text>&gt; .
<template match="text()|@*">

It's up at You can
use as a test
document. Dan Connolly has a form up at that I often use for
this sort of thing... the output for the above is at:-

Which gives:-

     @prefix : <#> .
     <> <#collaborator> <> .
     <> <#collaborator> <> .

Hey, now you can use your Web browser as a makeshift semBrowser :-)

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Friday, 2 March 2001 12:39:40 UTC