Circles and arrows diagrams using stylesheet rules

Some of you may have seen TimBL's W3C roadmap
diagrams at WWW10. They're done with

	-- the graphviz tools from AT&T research
	-- an RDF vocabulary for the graphviz dot input format
	-- TimBL's rules engine, cwm, to deduce
	facts about diagrams from facts about other stuff.

I wouldn't really call it stable, but it's quite usable
and powerful. I've been having lots of fun with it...
making diagrams of all sorts of stuff, from W3C process to
XML infoset stuff.

I finally found inspiration to write it up this evening,
so if you'd like to get your head around this idea
of rules, or processing RDF with XSLT, I think you'll enjoy...

  Circles and arrows diagrams using stylesheet rules
  Sat, 02 Jun 2001 08:25:33 GMT

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Saturday, 2 June 2001 04:45:28 UTC