Re: Dropping the redundant colon in N3

> define a subClass of URI and call them ProperNamespaceUri
> all of which end with #.

I note that if you use "bind" (still allowed in N3, but deprecated), it
automatically appends a # to a namespace URI. However, I think that is a
very bad idea, because not all namespaces end in a # (i.e. have the
properties contained as FragID's within them). For example Dublin Core uses
a "/", and a GET form could use an "=".

> Also I note that your <...> construct in N3 cannot be easily nested
inside of
> XML .. which i take as a real drag.

So do I, but you can't simply remove it because http: would be interpreted
as a namespace alias! There needs to be something there that says "this is
a URI". From the spec., it looks as though Tim considered an apostrophe,
and then DanC suggested <URI>. Also from the "specification":-

     Actually it is cool to use inverse <. for stings >this is a string<
     because then you end up being able to make pages which
     look like markup and which are functions in notation3.

That's quite an odd idea, don't you think? Using < and > to delimit
strings? I converted a bit of N3 to that, and it didn't look like any SGML
I'd ever seen before...

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
[ :name "Sean B. Palmer" ] :hasHomepage <> .
# or maybe:-
<@prefix : ' .
[ :name >Sean B. Palmer< ] :hasHomepage ' .>

Received on Wednesday, 31 January 2001 16:25:32 UTC