Re: Proposal: variables, templates, and Stickey Cyber Molecules

Tim Berners-Lee wrote:

> Oh, that sounds like an anonymous node. This is just an existentially
> quantifiued variable.
> <> foo:replyTo [ foo:writtenBy
>     [ foo:mailbox  <> ; foo:firstname "Seth" ]
> ]
> which you can read as "This document is a reply to something which
> was written by that which has email address
> and first name "Seth". Maybe that is what you mean.

Ok, we could use an entire node rather than just a uri string, i hadn't though
of that.  But the application requires that we explicitly state that the node is
a variable, an Unknown, a blank line in a forum that we are soliciting agents to
fill out.  But I see I can just invent a (new?) class of things and call it
:Unknown.   So let me go back to my original example and rewrite it using an
entire node in N3:

@prefix  : <#> .
@prefix msn: <>.
@prefix: w3c: <>.
:Seth a :Human; :isWorkingOn :semBrowser;
   a :Human, :Unknown;
   :isFluentIn msn:VisualBasic, "C++", w3c:N3,
   :wantsToWorkOn :semBrowser;
   :wantsToWorkWith :Seth;
   :salaryRequirements "0";

w3c:N3 :Rocks !!!

Incidentally that sticky cyber molecule is real,  I'd sign it if I had the
technology installed.

:fullName "Seth Russell";
 foo:mailbox  <>;
:hasICQ "69375355";
:conjectures <>;
:authorOf <>.

Received on Thursday, 18 January 2001 13:41:04 UTC