Re: Proposal: variables, templates, and Stickey Cyber Molecules

It isn't enough, when you extend RDF to a langauge of logical formulae, that
you simple identify which idenmtifiers are variables.  You also have to
a variable to its scope.  (This is because "for all x there exists y such
that..." is very different from "there exists y such that for all x...")

If you model a formula as a set of nested subexpressions, and model each
subexpression is a set of RDF statements, then you need a link beween
the statement set (context) and the variables.  This is what I did with
the Notation3 hacking.
log:forSome and log:forAll to declare variables.

Langauges which use a syntax such as "?x" to declare a variable but don't
give its scope don't, it seems to me, have the ability to represent
arbitrary logical expressions.

For examples see the Notation3 Primer
and the linked code which will process rules represented with log:forAll
and generates RDF.  I am still figuring out what minimal extensions th basic
RDF/XML syntax are needed for representing the rules tersely. But I think
model (the asbstract syntax -- the mapping into triples) works.

tim bl
sans chapeau

----- Original Message -----
From: "Seth Russell" <>
To: "RDF-IG" <>
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 3:25 PM
Subject: Proposal: variables, templates, and Stickey Cyber Molecules

> Somebody, I forget who, just recently said that RDF doesn't
> have [the capability to] have variables.   Well I disagree,
> I don't see why we can't define a set of URI's that function
> quite nicely as variables.   May I suggest the following:
>          ?:<any string of letters>#<class or property id>
> The uri means that the destination agent may fill in
> whatever uri qualifies.   Here are some use cases:
> any resource   ?:x#Resource
> some other resource  ?:y#Resource
> any class whatever  ?:x#Class
> any property whatever  ?:x#Property
> Note that I left out the namespaces intentionally .. but
> that discussion can follow if anybody is interested.  Please
> let me know if I have broken any of the URI rules.
> Now we can write retrievals:
> retrieve [?:x#Resource, ?:x#type,
> which, on a suitably educated model,  should return a list
> of known Schemas.
> An now we can write templates which are just any set of RDF
> statements containing variables:
> [, rdf:type,  swag:Human]
> [, swag:isLookingFor, ?:x#Person]
> [, swag:isWorkingOn,
> [?:x#Person,  swag:isFluentIn,  msn:VisualBasic]
> [?:x#Person,  swag:isFluentIn,  msn:Cplusplus]
> [?:x#Person,  swag:isFluentIn,
> [?:x#Person,  swag:wantsToWorkOn,
> [?:x#Person,  swag:wantsToWorkwith,
> And we can send those statements to any Agent that
> understands RDF and perhaps that agent will fill in the
> variables and send back a reply.    Hey, that's just a
> sticky cyber molecule .. see my sig below.
> --
> Seth Russell
> Http://

Received on Wednesday, 17 January 2001 14:25:51 UTC