Re: data smushing

Corrected rule:

If    [nodeX, propertyY, nodeZ] and;
      [nodeY, propertyY, nodeZ] and;
      [nodeX, rdf:type, nodeZ] and;
      [nodeY, rdf:type, nodeZ] and;
      [propertyY, atMostOneEntityValue, "yes"];
then attemptSmush (nodeX, nodeY).

Bill dehOra wrote:

> Isn't 'smushing' just unification hacking; am I missing something?

I'm not familiar with "unification hacking" but "smushing" is probably
more commonly called "aggregation".  To my knowledge the term was
first used by Dan Brickley as follows:


  (2) 2nd pass node convergence ("data smushing")
        As discussed above, strategies that merge together RDF from
        sources in such a way as to figure out (in some cases) where
       anonymously-mentioned resources are descriptions of the same

Two nodes need to be smushed iff they represent the same thing.

I started a thread in news:// about this cause I think we
need fuzzy logic to tackle the problem watch it at

Seth Russell

Received on Wednesday, 3 January 2001 13:23:15 UTC