Re: Namespaces wihtout "#" Was: Few CWM Bugs

On 2001-23-12 10:09 PM, "Tim Berners-Lee" <> wrote:

> True.  A resource for a non-HTTP space can be whatever that URI space says
> it is.  It is just HTTP which really creates a world of documents.

What makes you think that? I've read the HTTP spec carefully a couple of
times, and I've had others read it, and we've all come to the conclusion
that HTTP is very careful in saying that the things represented by its URIs
can be any sort of Resource -- an abstract concept, not just documents. Roy
Fielding's dissertation says this too, and goes into more detail about why
it is necessary. 

> mailto:  for example, defines a space of mailboxes which are not documents.
> I should have limited what I said to the http: space.

This I can agree with, since the mailto spec is nowhere near as cautious as
HTTP about ensuring the Resources it represents can be of any type.

[ "Aaron Swartz" ; <> ; <> ]

Received on Monday, 24 December 2001 11:51:25 UTC